What started out in summer of 2001 as a simple question, followed by a simple answer has blossomed into one of most successful people to people projects ever undertaken by a veterinary group. The questioned asked by Dr. Ted Robinson(UP 1974) of an attending Native American at a fund raising party for Native Americans was, “what type of veterinary care exists on the reservations in the southwest? The simple answer was, “little if any”. In that year, four Univ. of PA, Veterinary School Alumni, (Dr. Theodore Robinson , Dr. Joseph Raught, Dr. Michael Tomasic and Dr Sheri participated in what was thought to be a one time effort two day volunteer veterinary clinic on the Navajo Reservation in Crownpoint, NM.
In the years that followed, that one time 2 day effort has grown in to a major project, effecting 5 Native American Reservations. This past April a total of 40 participants including veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary technician students and animal helpers spent two weeks at two different reservations doing a myriad of procedures on animals owned by native Americans.